2. The mobility information system MOTIS

To plan a journey: For many internet platforms and on smartphones this still requires a pre-decision to be made regarding a means of transport (airplane, train, car etc) as well as the selection of transition point/s from the ”world of the traveller“ to the “world of the transport company“, i.e. train stations, bus stations, airports etc. More and more innovative IT companies in cooperation with transport companies are providing tools to plan the journey a bit more intelligently.

3. Finding All Attractive Train Connections by Multi-criteria Pareto Search

Authors: Matthias Müller-Hannemann and Mathias Schnee Abstract: We consider efficient algorithms for timetable information in public transportation systems under multiple objectives like, for example, travel time, ticket costs, and number of interchanges between different means of transport. In this paper we focus on a fully realistic scenario in public railroad transport as it appears in practice while most previous work studied only simplified models.  

4. Improved Search for Night Train Connections

Authors: Thorsten Gunkel, Matthias Müller-Hahnemann, Mathias Schnee   Abstract: The search for attractive night train connections is fundamentally different from ordinary search: the primary objective of a costumer of a night train is to have a reasonably long sleeping period without interruptions due to train changes. For most passenger it is also undesired to reach the final destination too early in the morning. These objectives are in sharp contrast to standard information systems which focus on minimizing the total travel time.  

5. Multimodal travel planning: focussing timetable-dependent transport

For more than twenty years, Prof. Dr. Karsten Weihe has been cooperating with Deutsche Bahn AG on research into the field of timetable information systems. Since 2001, Prof. Dr. Weihe has been working at the University of Darmstadt with the professional consultancy of Wolfgang Sprick (datagon GmbH). Felix Gündling and Dr. Mathias Schnee, assistants of Prof. Dr. Weihe, have been working on the project which will be introduced here: multimodal travel planning. Additional current research is being undertaken in order to create travel plans which allow a high probability of arriving at the target destination on a fixed date and at a fixed time, as well as off-peak connections early in the morning or late in the evening. All these projects are financed by Deutsche Bahn. In partnership with the University of Darmstadt, datagon have started to cooperate with suppliers of other transportation systems in special aspects of intermodal mobility.