9. Swarm-mobility links traffic intelligently

The German years of "Wirtschaftswunder" (economic miracle) since the success of the combustion motor are past. Brands and alternative technologies as well as restrictions from other countries enforce the mobility site Germany to review the strategy. But this seems not to take place consistently as economy journalist Gunnar Sohn has stated in his article "Schwarm-Mobilität statt Schmieröl-Weisheiten im Land der Autobauer" bei Netzpiloten.de ("swarm mobility instead of pieces of grease wisdom in the country of car makers"). 

10. The battle heats up over local traffic

According to an article in the German magazine Capital 26th of February 2018 there is a struggle taking place over who has the right to define what “local transport” means and what local transport should look like in the future.  This is a struggle that is taking place between Deutsche Bahn, local public transport authorities and the car producers. Ridesharing and carsharing, for instance, are now of interest to transport companies who are involved in providing these and other local public transport services.