1. A short-distance transport app for everything 07 June 2017 The dream of a common app for the entire short-distance transport in the Federal Republic is told in a contribution of Radio in October 2016. So far it was not possible to develop such an app. Instead, every transport association has an own app wich, however, does not contain trip opportunities across the borders of its own organization. …
2. Deutsche Bahn: On time means depart earlier in future 07 June 2017 So far we were used to the rule that up to the scheduled time it was still possible to jump into the train. From now on, the train will start rolling already, i.e. the doors have to be shut earlier. Something like this we see already in the short-distance transport of a German large city, it is allowed to depart already 30 seconds before scheduled departure time. We do not have to understand this, but it is the way it is. We simply need to know it. …
3. Not another railway app 31 May 2017 It seems as if Deutsche Bahn (German Railway) would strive for the alltime "app record". A new app is added to the existing apps: DB Bahnhof live (DB station live). This new station app aims to give passengers an overview about the actual situation at 5,400 stations in the country. DB Bahnhof live is available for iOS and Android free of charge. …